When you purchase a folding mobility scooter, you'll be glad to know that the shipping is free. The scooter will arrive in 3 to 7 business days. Since these scooters are so lightweight, they don't need to be shipped by freight carriers. The scooter will be delivered to your home by a third party technician. This technician will walk you through how to use it and will dispose of all boxes.
Folding Mobility Scooters should be serviced at least once a year. This is essential to prevent the battery from getting ruined and reducing its life span. You should also make sure the batteries are charged correctly so that they don't run out too quickly. Most scooters have an automatic shut-off to prevent overcharging.
Another important consideration for a folding Mobility Scooter is weight. The folding scooter should be light enough to fit in small spaces. A few pounds can make a huge difference in portability, and a lightweight unit will be easier to carry around. When folded, a folding mobility scooter can weigh less than forty pounds and be easily transported from one location to another.
A folding mobility scooter is an important feature for those who use it daily. It's easy to fold and store and can be easily transported in the trunk of a small car. It can even be operated by a remote control. And the best part is that a folding Mobility Scooter can be stored easily. However, when you don't need it, a folding Mobility Scooter can be placed in a storage area under your desk or in the trunk of your car.
Another advantage of folding Mobility Scooters is their compact size. They are not as conspicuous as standard scooters, so they don't make a big statement. Many patients are reluctant to use mobility scooters because they look unattractive or make them look disabled. Folding Mobility Scooters have sleek, minimalist designs, making them less likely to draw unwanted attention.